SGFN supported the 6th Annual Investing Challenge 2022


The Annual Investing Challenge is a collaboration between HKUST Department of Finance and Chartwell Capital. In this 6th challenge, ESG elements were incorporated. BSc in Sustainable and Green Finance (SGFN) program was invited to support this challenge. There were 32 teams and 5 teams were selected to proceed to the final pitch.

Finalists presented their financial and ESG analyses of companies and investment recommendations to the judging panel, which was composed of Prof. Lynn Pi (Associate Professor of Department of Finance), Prof. Veronique Lafon-Vinais (SGFN Program Co-Director), Ms. Anastasia Cheung (Chartwell's ESG Specialist), and Mr. Aditya Salim (Chartwell's Senior Investment Analyst).

Congratulations to the winners, and thank the organizers and participants.
