News & Events

There is no doubt that climate change will become a global issue that needs to be tackled head-on in the coming decade. Every jurisdiction will have a responsibility to help contain the rise in global warming, and Hong Kong can play a big part in this, according to the HKMA... Read more
Climate change is not just a challenge in the future but has already become a dangerous reality today, threatening the wellbeing of future generations and human survival. President Xi Jinping declared China’s determined efforts to achieve peak carbon by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060 at the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2020, and emphasized China’s acceleration towards low-carbon innovations. Read more
Hong Kong’s financial system is ready to go green. Asset owners are increasingly driving this revolution. Yet a successful transformation requires integrating science, data, technology, and sustainable values to assess climate risks and opportunities across various asset classes. Read more